Bridge Builders Youth Organisation
Bridge Builders Ltd is a National, not for profit youth charity, delivering public benevolent services to your people aged 12-25 who find themselves disadvantaged, distressed or in need of assistance. As a charity, they rely solely on donations, fundraising and their dedicated volunteers to be able to provide the life changing work they do in the community. Bridge Builders aim to grow and develop skills in young people through a variety of leadership event management and mentoring programs which provide support and assistance to relieving distress and creating resilience.
Meeting details: York on Lilydale Function Room (just follow the signs) Join us for dinner at 6.30pm for 7.00pm start $10 room surcharge levy Meals and drinks available through the Bistro (not compulsory) Please RSVP to Judith 0438 389 695 ZOOM LINK Meeting ID: 828 8604 0237 Passcode: 058744
Download the website sponsorship guide