The Lilydale Craft and Produce Market is held on the first Sunday of the month (excluding January) from   9am till 2pm.

Our Market is wheelchair / pram friendly, with solid surfaces, no steps and indoor toilets and changerooms.
All welcome!
We are also pet (on lead) friendly 🐕
Donation on entry to Rotary Lilydale (Cash preferred / EFT available)
If you would like to volunteer at our market, or are interested in a stall - please   email  or call 0423 558 833.
We are seeking people who can assist for a couple of hours each month to help pack up the market - 2-4pm. Please call or email if you can assist us (Regular or one-off help appreciated)
The Lilydale Craft and Produce Market is a major part of the Rotary Lilydale calendar. 
There are a range of quality stalls showcasing a variety of local and homemade produce and crafts.
The market has been running since 2009 and over $300,000 has been raised. This money has been returned to the community through many projects and donations, both big and small.