Are you interested in volunteering with Lilydale Rotary?

Rotary: People like you and me!
What is Rotary about?
The magic of Rotary is that it allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things. For over one hundred years, ordinary people around the world have come together as Rotarians to unite the power of one with the power of many to bring about exceptional change in the world.
A worldwide organisation, Rotary is made up of men and women across all professions and vocations. You can spot them by the little gold wheel they wear.
In Australia there are more than 30,000 members in 1,100 Rotary clubs across towns, cities and small communities, all committed to Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self”.
Making a difference
How can you turn a dream of a better world into tomorrow’s reality?
Rotary provides a way to put ideas into action.
When Rotary started raising money to eradicate Polio in 1985, there were over 350,000 cases in 125 countries recorded annually. In 2022, only 73 cases of Polio have been reported worldwide; Polio is now endemic in just 2 countries. (Afghanistan and Pakistan) Working with major organisations, such as The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as governments throughout the world, Rotary is closing in on finishing off Polio for good. With over US $800 million contributed and more than a billion children immunised worldwide, the volunteer efforts of everyday people through Rotary have changed the world as we know it.
Where you can help
Rotarians are involved in numerous projects to help communities both at home and abroad. When you join Rotary, you will be encouraged to turn your passions into a way of helping others – and you’re likely to find support from other like-minded individuals. Listed below are some of the areas in which Rotary has active projects running, in which you can participate:
• Disaster Relief
• Youth & Learning Initiatives
• Environment
• Youth Exchange
• Youth Driving Skills
• Community Support
• International Support
• Vocational & Personal Development
• Business Leadership & Mentoring
• Projects & Programs to Assist the Disabled
• Literacy
• Volunteering
• Environment and Sustainability
Who can be a Rotarian?
Men and women from a broad range of professional, managerial, community based or business ownership backgrounds. Most importantly they must want to serve their community and attend their club regularly. A significant cross section of a community’s vocational life is represented – one of Rotary’s great strengths.
How do you join?
Please give us a call, send us an email or talk to a member. Anyone who is interested in joining, is invited to attend a meeting or activity to learn more about Rotary.
What’s in it for you?
The Rotary experience is built on volunteering, service, friendship, business networking, and personal development.
Community Connection
Rotarians are active in raising funds and supporting projects involving health and education and the development of young people – in their neighbourhood, nationally and internationally.
A strong sense of fellowship develops through a variety of club activities. Rotarians stand together in good and bad times. Lifelong friendships are often formed.
Everyone needs to network. Each club has a membership drawn from all walks of life. Rotarians support each other, as well as helping those in need.
Personal Development
Through activities, responsibilities and opportunity, Rotary promotes growth in social skills, public speaking, leadership and motivation.
And you can have fun while you are doing good things!
Rotary is fun! All meetings have a fun element – and there’s never a dull moment when people with a common purpose pull together in support of a worthwhile cause.